News 01.02.2024

PedersoliGattai in the financing for the development plan of the Ceresole d’Alba production hub

GAI Invest, together with its subsidiary GAI Macchine, global leader in the production and marketing of machines and systems for bottling and packaging, have completed a 53 million euros financing through a syndicate of lenders, divided into several lines of credit, aimed at implementing the development plan of the Ceresole d’Alba production hub, which includes a multi-year investment for an aggregate value of over 70 million euros with important impacts on the local community by paying particular attention to ESG issues.

PedersoliGattai assisted a syndicate of lenders comprising Bper Banca SpA, also as bookrunner, Unicredit SpA and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA in the structuring and completion of the deal with a team comprising Maura Magioncalda (partner), Giuseppe Smerlo (senior associate) and Tommaso Scamporrino (associate).

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