News 19.01.2024

PedersoliGattai with Green Stone SICAF SpA and Pictet in the acquisition of a real estate property for a combined use in downtown Milan

The law firm provided assistance to Stone 18, which is managed by Green Stone SICAF SpA, majority owned by the fund Pictet Real Estate Capital Elevation Fund I, in the acquisition of a real estate property for retail, office and residential use in via Albricci 5, completed in 1952 according to a project by the architect Giovanni Muzio.

PedersoliGattai advised Green Stone on all contractual aspects of the transaction, including the structuring of an investment through a dedicated segment of the fixed-asset investment company (SICAF) and the funding of the acquisition, with a multi-practice team coordinated by Andrea Francesco Castelli and Giovanni Giuliani (partners), with the support of Enrico Piro (senior associate) and Giovanni Gerbini (associate) in relation to contractual aspects of the acquisition, as well as Jacopo Pisani (senior associate) in relation to regulatory aspects, including Gian Luca Coggiola (partner), Silvia Pasqualini (senior counsel) and Cesare Guglielmini (associate) in the negotiation and structuring of the bank loan.

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