News 14.05.2024

PedersoliGattai with the Banks in the project finance for Crossenergy Srl wind farm

PedersoliGattai advised BCC Banca Iccrea, la BCC Ravennate Forlivese Imolese e Riviera Banca, in a project financing supporting Crossenergy Srl, a company part of Cesena-based AREN Electric Power Group.

The transaction aims to finance a portion of the development costs for a wind energy production facility with a capacity of approximately 10 MW located in Basilicata.

PedersoliGattai assisted the banks in drafting and negotiating the financial documentation with a team led by Nicola Gaglione (partner), supported by Marco Moscatelli (counsel), Eleonora Banfi and Angelo Fabris (associates). For the administrative law aspects by Micaela Tinti (senior counsel) and Elena Martignoni (senior associate).

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