
The Firm has adopted specific information channels to enable the reporting of violations and offenses relevant under Legislative Decree no. 24/2023. To this end, it will be possible to send a report, in written or oral form, confidentially or anonymously, through the IT platform that can be reached by clicking on the appropriate button “Submit a Report”. The IT platform ensures the confidentiality (and anonymity, if requested by the reporter) of any communication and interaction on the same.

It is also possible to make a report directly at an in-person meeting with the whistleblowing Committee, which must also be requested through the above platform and will be set within a reasonable time. Confidentiality of the report is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned decree.

The Firm, in order to provide clear and transparent information on whistleblowing channels, their terms and conditions of use, whistleblowing reports’ object and the management activity of whistleblowing reports, the protections provided for the persons involved in the process, and the manner in which personal data are processed, has adopted a special procedure and prepared a specific privacy notice regarding the protection of personal data. Both documents can be available by clicking on the respective buttons in this section.
It is recommended that all possible whistleblowers carefully read the above procedure and privacy notice before proceeding with the submission of a report.

Submit a Report Whistleblowing Procedure Privacy Policy