News 19.04.2024

PedersoliGattai with EP Centrale Ostiglia SpA in the project finance for the creation of an 881MW CCGT in Ostiglia

PedersoliGattai advised EP Centrale Ostiglia S.p.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of EP Produzione S.p.A., a member of EPH Group, in relation to the negotiation and structuring of a 320M financing in favour of the Company.

This transaction involves the structuring of mini-perm financing on a project finance basis for the construction of new power plants within the capacity market, according to the most recent regulations approved by the Italian Ministerial Decree of 28 October 2021.

aims to construct and install a new Class H CCGT unit with a capacity of approximately 881 MW at the Ostiglia power plant, contributing to the country’s path towards an efficient and sustainable energy transition, in support of the decarbonization targets set by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan.

EP Centrale Ostiglia S.p.A. was assisted in all activities and phases relating to the structuring of the transaction, the drafting and negotiation of project contracts and the negotiation of financial documentation by PedersoliGattai with a team led by Nicola Gaglione (partner), with the support of Eleonora Banfi and Angelo Fabris (associates).

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