News 29.07.2024

PedersoliGattai in the entry of AEB in 2B Srl

Ambiente Energia Brianza SpA (AEB), a company of A2A Group, entered into a binding agreement that provides for the acquisition of the entire corporate capital of 2B Srl, holder of the authorisation for the construction and operation of a photovoltaic plant with an expected installed capacity of 7.6 MW, to be built in the Municipality of Faenza.

The execution of the acquisition will take place after the construction and commissioning of the plant, which is expected for completion in the second half of 2025.

The sellers were advised by PedersoliGattai with a team composed of Marco Molineris (senior counsel) and Eleonora Banfi (senior associate), under the supervision of Nicola Gaglione (partner).


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